Pimpinela, the iconic Argentine sibling duo of Lucía and Joaquín Galán, is embarking on their much-anticipated Noticias del Amor Tour. Known for their unique storytelling style that blends romantic drama with theatrical flair, Pimpinela has sold over 15 million records worldwide, earning their place as one of the best-selling Latin music artists. The tour will begin in November 2024 in Córdoba, Argentina, and take the duo to three countries, culminating on March 22, 2025, at the Auditorio Nacional in Mexico City. Over 18 concerts, they will perform in major cities like Buenos Aires, Miami, Los Angeles, Monterrey, and Zapopan.
This tour celebrates their enduring legacy and brings their timeless hits like "Olvídame y Pega la Vuelta" to fans across Latin America, the United States, and Mexico. With their ability to capture complex emotional narratives in song, Pimpinela continues to connect with audiences of all generations. Don’t miss your chance to experience the passion and artistry of Pimpinela live during the Pimpinela tour 2025. Tickets are available now!